Sometimes I just don't know... when to drink apple juice instead of orange juice.
Three weeks or so ago I felt like God was telling me to spend a night in prayer for the students in our youth ministry. This was WAY out of my comfort zone. For me prayer was something we said before and after church, at meals, and to start or end our day. Maybe a half hour a day, or an hour tops. A whole night? How am I going to find something to pray about all night!!! No way am I going to do that!!!
At first I just ignored the feeling, but then the feeling got stronger and stronger until I could not resist it anymore. Then I took a step out of my box and spent a whole night at the church praying for our youth, praying for revival, praying for our leaders, and praying for our pastors. During this night God was revealing specific things to pray for each student.
I was on the phone with a parent today when they told me a couple weeks ago their child revealed something to them; a major change in their life. A change for the better. The exact same thing I had been praying for this student the night at the church. What?!?
Then last night I was able to speak at our youth service, I preached on the lost son, as told in Luke 15. I ended the service with a opportunity to pray the sinners prayer. After service I asked the students who prayed the prayer with me to raise their hands, 8 students raised their hands! What?!?!? Yes, 8 students!
I was so nervous to preach a salvation message. I was way nervous to spend a night in prayer. They were both way out of my comfort zone! But when I saw those 8 hands in the air, and heard the story of the life change in my student it made the step out of my comfort zone worth it.
This past month has made me realize maybe the taste of apple juice instead of orange juice might just be better. Not only for me, but those around me. So today I encourage you with this; next time you feel God calling you to step out of your comfort zone, DO IT! It could be the sweetest apple juice you have ever tasted.