Sometimes I just Don't know...
when to stop.

I love my job. As a youth worker I get paid to hang out with teenagers all the time. I mean how cool is it to get paid for something you love to do? The only down side is sometimes the line between where ministry ends and where my personal life begins become a little blurry.
As our youth is growing I have started to realize that I am not going to have time to give to every student. Between working with the FBI (Fabulous Bible Interns), youth, and being a nanny I hardly ever have "me time". This brings me to the question: Is "me time" really all that important?
In Mark chapter 6 Jesus told his disciples "Come away by yourselves, and we will go to a lonely place to get some rest" (Mark 6:31 NCV). Jesus knew the importance of resting, taking time to recharge his batteries, how much more do we actually need this time if Jesus, the King of Kings needed it?
For me it is just realizing that taking time to invest in myself is not selfish. The only problem is, I don't know what to do with my free time...
I have spent so much of my time giving to others that I don't remember what I enjoy doing. My challenge for you is not to let this happen to you, don't give so much of yourself that you forget who you are. I think I might start by trying yoga, taking up painting, maybe go for a walk, just taking time to remember who I am. God took an entire day for himself (Genesis 2:2) I don't think he will mind if we take an hour or two for ourselves, actually he commands us to take an entire day of rest. Remember to rest and not fall into our modern american culture. :)
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