Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades... It seems like everything we do now is measured by time. The amount of time we have to spend on something contributes to whether or not we will do it. Somone or something is always wanting some of our most abundant commodity, our time.

What if God calls you to move on or do something new before you feel like you have had enough time to complete your task?
Whenever I think of timing, Gods timing, I think of the story of Abraham and his son Isaac.
Now Abraham had a wife named Sarah who was having trouble conceiving a child. Then one day God promised her she would have a son, and so he blessed them with Isaac.
Now after Isaac was grown God asked Abraham to do something CRAZY! He asked Abraham to take Isaac up a mountain sacrifice his only son.
So out of obediance Abraham did as God asked. He went up the mountain, got the alter ready, laid his son out before God and at the last second God told him to STOP!
God stopped Abraham just in time.... His time.
What would have happend if Abraham had not trusted in Gods timing? We could go into all the what ifs, but it would not do us any good. Gods timing is perfect because He is aware of every detail of our lives.
So, when we wish we could have had more time to do something, to know someone, to finish our task, and God says GO, or we wish for an immediate change in our lives or circumstances and God says WAIT, not now. We need to trust that God has the right timing for us. Because, at the end of our lives, at the end of the day, the only thing we really have to give, and be remembered by is our time.
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